Since the last devlog there were 10 commits between 2019/01/27 and 2019/02/15, totaling 21 commits. I have worked 28 hours during this period, bringing the total to 48 hours.
I started out by adding new type of objects to my Tiled map.
A bit more messing around and I can now have basic message interaction in the game.
That included adding overlay UI system, some refactoring, support for nineslice scaled ui elements.
Few days ago I have decided to start an RPG project, as that’s what I’ve always wanted to make. I will be fairly limited with graphic assets and time, but at least the coding part will be fun. I will make do with what I have available.
Right now I have depth sorting implemented: I’m using Time Fantasy art assets.
Tiled for level editor.
Haxe as programming language.
Phaser 3 as framework.
Another report was a long time overdue. Lot of things happened in the last month.
The Editor Starting with the editor I mentioned last time, I might have went a bit overboard. But honestly there doesn’t seem to be any other way when one wants to make a custom one. At this moment the editor still isn’t done, but it’s getting very close.
This was finished shortly after last report. What I wanted was a way to properly define individual components of my entities, then being able to define templates.
So what’s been going on?
Holidays. Holidays has been going on.
Time to get back to reality though.
I decided to focus on making a minimal RPG – smallest in size that I can imagine to work and be an actual game. Plan is to make it fast, get enough money out of it to continue surviving. Then move from there.
Holidays put a big hole in the plans, as expected.