
Fantasy Sphere RPG Devlog 2

Fantasy Sphere RPG Devlog 2

UI, Interaction, Event System, First NPC

Since the last devlog there were 10 commits between 2019/01/27 and 2019/02/15, totaling 21 commits. I have worked 28 hours during this period, bringing the total to 48 hours. I started out by adding new type of objects to my Tiled map. A bit more messing around and I can now have basic message interaction in the game. That included adding overlay UI system, some refactoring, support for nineslice scaled ui elements.
Fantasy Sphere RPG Devlog 1

Fantasy Sphere RPG Devlog 1

Tools, Graphics, Map Loading And Collisions

Few days ago I have decided to start an RPG project, as that’s what I’ve always wanted to make. I will be fairly limited with graphic assets and time, but at least the coding part will be fun. I will make do with what I have available. Right now I have depth sorting implemented: I’m using Time Fantasy art assets. Tiled for level editor. Haxe as programming language. Phaser 3 as framework.